Why Write Anyway?

Without writing what would we read? How else would be we disclose ourselves, our individuality, separateness and peculiarity? Without writing we have no message, we would lack the engineering marvels created by words. We need writers to have something to quote to better express ourselves and understand others. As Rabbi Salanter, once said, "Writing is one of the easies things: erasing is one of the hardest". The What and Why and How and Where and Who of life would not exist if it were not for writing.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Dirt under my finger nails

I just looked at the date on my last blog; I must have fallen asleep in between then and now.  I might have been busy or lazy, come to think of it, maybe I simply spaced it out.  I did actually write something, but then rejected it due to the fact that it was a bad rant and not worth your time.   One thing I find when  I do not keep notes is my mind tends to stare.  You know that feeling that you get when you see someone and you must have that second look, when you take that second look it can last up to ten seconds.  That ten seconds is when your mind is in neutral, the gears are not moving forward or backwards, you've shifted into the staring zone.  I feel I've been staring a lot lately and not really engaging my feelings or emotions.  I think it has been very healthy for me.  I needed the rest and opportunity of nothingness of the brain (NOTB).  

Today I came out of the stare.  I was as happy as a pig in crap.  I was in twelve yards of top soil and three yards of the best Maple Ridge cow crap available.  My drive-way was plugged with top quality earth and the best waste a Jersey Cow can produce.  The aroma was similar to the empty box of chocolates that Forrest Gump was always talking about.  Cigars might be a closer match in smell and texture, but chocolate does work for a word picture as well.  When I'm in my winter-stare zone with the frost and numbness that comes after the holidays and prior to spring, the planet is like a safe that has a combination, but the combination is locked inside the safe and no one knows the combination.  We are held captive until the safe naturally lets its door open to us.  

I felt today that the door opened  and I got a peek inside and yes, the earth will live and warm up again.  I have the scent of the planet on me and it smells authentic.  Our great, great Grandfather to the hundredth power started by working with dirt and talking with God.  We are genetically wired to the dust and soil that we live upon.  In the West we try to live above the soil by building platforms above the dirtiness of dirt for cleaner living.   I guess it works but wonder if it is as necessary as we think.  Now the East is not as aggressive with the platform strategy as we Westerners are.  Have you  tried using an Asian toilet lately?  When my thoughts are not staring at the maze of nothingness  I tend to think about strange things and ask even stranger questions.   What this blog is about is that my mind got kick started today and it was brought along by digging in the soil of our planet.  I got to spend today redecorating my small piece of terra firma.  

I bathed in the soil of creation and cleansed my mind with the soil of life.  It got under my finger nails, skin and maybe into my blood.  It was a good day.  Tomorrow will be even better as the soil will be warmer.  But to some, it is very inappropriate to call this planet Earth when it is mostly Ocean.  But not so with me. 


  1. Like I've always said, a dirty husband is a happy husband. I'm glad you are happy, honey. I can see it! I'm always so proud of your creative hardworking endeavors. Looking forward to another year of enjoying our garden together. We aren't Adam and Eve we are Babalinda.

  2. Every time I come to your garden, it gives me a a little taste of what the First Garden must have felt and looked like... it is indeed a place of beauty and rest.
    Love it!
    your friend



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