Why Write Anyway?

Without writing what would we read? How else would be we disclose ourselves, our individuality, separateness and peculiarity? Without writing we have no message, we would lack the engineering marvels created by words. We need writers to have something to quote to better express ourselves and understand others. As Rabbi Salanter, once said, "Writing is one of the easies things: erasing is one of the hardest". The What and Why and How and Where and Who of life would not exist if it were not for writing.

Friday, August 14, 2009

The Dregs of Summer

It has been said that every April, God rewrites the Book of Genesis. Summer to me is when the grass is Green. It has also been said that too much of a good thing is wonderful. Those who would wish for the eternal summer are the same ones who want it always to be a high tide and every night a full moon. The seasons just do not work in that order.

Summer will retract into the bowels of nature leaving behind a string of cool days and damp nights that speak to us of roots that need to go deep and prepare for future growth. The eagerness and energy of spring and summer are soon to fizzle out and be replaced by the comfort and coziness of fall. The fall, is a time where growth goes deep into the soil of life to prepare for a new harvest in the cycle of the seasons.

Here in British Columbia we are nearing the close of the summer that was promised by the coming of spring. We are now being taken into my favorite time of year, the fall. After a couple of months of hot dry days and hot nights I’m ready for change. Yes, I know that rain gets old and wet cool dark days drive average people indoors, but some of us are not average and love the crispness of fall days with the feeling of light dew and the need for the warm presence of fleece or wool.

The days of relaxation and rest come to an end and productivity begins to rise out of the cloudless, sun-drenched dog days of summer. Life begins to stir with the production of productivity and the newness that only comes from times of restoring and revitalizing the cells of our human makeup. Ah, summer the time of resting and enlivening the soul. Summer’s purpose was to show off the wonder and splendor of the creative process, the jewel that is hidden in the under-side of the soil of this planet and our lives. Summer is the time when the seed if brought to completeness and the full glory of its life cycle is completed. Each plant has its own glory. While each seed looks somewhat alike, some larger, some smaller, each produces its genetic code of beauty and wonder. The flowers turn to seed and die and return to the soil from whence they came and the cycle of creativity starts all over again.

That’s why I love the fall. Life is starting up everywhere one glimpses. The inconspicuous, secret work of life is beginning to happen all around us. It is a veiled process that goes unnoticed by most humans. God in His wisdom has created this process; the life that comes out of death is a regenerated life. This process is the divine right of His creation. We stand in submissiveness to His sacred, holy power for it is God who said, “This is a good thing” not Martha Stewart. The cycle of life will continue driven by the creative process of life and death spinning off of each other and the eternal promise of the assurance of life dominating in the end.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful post...I agree, my favorite time of year is the fall. Looking forward to falling leaves, cool breezes and warm nights snuggled by the fire...SB



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